Picture of Stephanie, Luke, and Stehanie's parents at JUCO in May 2024 for the blog "JUCO World Series in Grand Junction, Colorado"

JUCO World Series in Grand Junction, Colorado

The Junior College World Series (JUCO) is a pretty major sporting event in my hometown of Grand Junction, CO. Since I can remember, every late May to early June, Suplizio Field would be busting at the seems with visitors and local members of the community alike who all gathered to watch the JUCO World Series.

The event takes place just after school is out for the Summer. This timing makes it a popular gathering spot for local youth to meet up with their school friends and celebrate the beginning of Summer—a ritual I excitedly partook in as an adolescent! Needless to say, when Luke and I had the opportunity to attend a game this past year, I was excited to return to this nostalgic stadium for a blast from the past.

My JUCO Memories

I have many memories from my younger years at JUCO. While my own parents were not frequent visitors, one of my best friend’s parents were loyal JUCO-goers. I was lucky enough to be invited along with them nearly every year from the first time I went. They had tickets to every game, would be there for the first pitch, and would stay through the last pitch of the day.

My best friend and I would sit in the bleachers with her parents for the duration of the series. We would tan our legs in the Summer sun, look for our crushes under the bleachers, walk across the street to McDonalds, and just have the time of our lives feeling like independent pre-teens who could rule the world!

Like I mentioned, JUCO was the event marking the start of Summer, and it continued to be a symbolic marker of the long, hot days ahead all the way through my high school years. By the time my friends and I could drive, we still opted to spend the earliest days of Summer at JUCO.

We spent our time waiting for home runs, eating ice cream and nachos, and making evening plans with friends while sitting in the outfield. To this day, my memories of JUCO still play like a scene from a romantic coming of age film. But, I don’t even have to romanticize the memories, because I know they were just as blissful and carefree as I remember!

What JUCO Means to the Grand Junction Community

As I got to thinking about my experiences with JUCO, I began to wonder the actual impact of JUCO on the Grand Junction Community, and particularly their economy. As I began my search I came across an article from the local newspaper, The Grand Junction Sentinel, titled, “How the JUCO World Series Impacts Grand Junction’s Economy.”

According to the article, “Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce CEO Candace Carnahan estimates the JUCO World Series brings an economic impact of $2.8 million to the region.” For a small city in rural Western Colorado, that’s a big deal. In this way, JUCO doesn’t only bring a sense of pride to the community, it also significantly boosts the local economy.

Businesses across the spectrum, from cafes and restaurants, to hotels and auto mechanics, all see a boost in sales during JUCO. The players and their families who come from across the country to watch all need accommodations, and all need to eat. And many who roadtrip may find themselves needing their vehicles serviced after a long drive.

While tourism to Grand Junction has increased rapidly as tourism across the state grew following the legalization of recreational marijuana, the Grand Valley was not always on people’s radar as a vacation destination. The valley is now well known as an outdoor recreation hub with the adjacent Grand Mesa and Colorado National Monument. The vineyards in Palisade also bring visitors looking to experience Colorado’s wine country, and the Colorado Lavender Festival is also always a hit. But before this reputation for tourism developed in the area, JUCO was very likely one of the biggest—if not the biggest—contributor to the tourism industry of the area.

Final Thoughts About JUCO and Grand Junction

Growing up going to JUCO and then returning over a decade later was a blast for many reasons. I got to enjoy time with family, watch a good baseball game, and reminisce on my younger days. I must admit, this event has a larger impact on the local community than I realized as a young person who saw the event purely as a social gathering. But, it goes to show that JUCO is as important of a social event for community building and as it is an economic resource for the city.

Stephanie Wilson

Stephanie was born and raised in Colorado where she developed her great appreciation for exploring big open spaces outdoors. She is a Sociology PhD and advocates for the discipline of applied sociology in her role as a founder of Applied Worldwide, a digital content production and consulting company. Dr. Wilson is an adjunct professor of sociology at the University of Northern Colorado and a researcher of health inequalities. She is also a dancer at heart, serves on the Board of Directors for the Colorado Dance Collective, and is always looking for her next opportunity to perform, teach, or choreograph.